Veterans Benefits FAQ
Veterans Benefits FAQ
Should you need additional information, our WGTC VA Certifying representative can be reached at 678-664-0557 or VAresources@westgatech.edu.
How do I apply for VA Education Benefits?
To apply for VA Education Benefits, please visit the Department of Veterans Affairs. Click on Education & Training > For Students > Get Started > Apply for Benefits > Find your education benefits form > Answer benefit questions > Apply now. After you submit the application and it is approved, you will receive a Certificate of Eligibility in the mail in three-four weeks. Submit a copy of the certificate along with your DD-214 to the VA Certifying Official. You can also sign up for an account through eBenefits at Department of Veterans Affairs. This site will give you immediate access to educational and non-educational benefit information and various forms. You can also request an official copy of your military transcripts. Note: Military transcripts are not mandatory for admission into the college but are reviewed for transfer credit. You can request transcripts for Air Force or transcripts for Army, Navy/Marines, and Coast Guard.
I am a transfer student. What do I need to do to start my benefits at WGTC?
If you have used your benefits at another institution, please visit the Department of Veterans Affairs website and complete the “Change of Program or Place of Training” form. Submit a copy of the completed form to the VA Certifying Official.
I’m logged into VA.gov, which form should I complete?
The following is a list of commonly used forms:
- 22-1990 – Application for VA Education Benefits (use this form if you are the veteran or have had post-9/11 benefits transferred to you by a veteran)
- 22-5490 – Application for Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance (use this form if you are a dependent of a veteran that has a 100 percent service-connected disability or is deceased due to the disability)
- 22-1995 – Request for Change of Program or Place of Training (use this form if you are the veteran and you are transferring to another institution)
- 22-5495 – Request for Change of Program or Place of Training for Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance (use this form if you are the dependent of a veteran and you are transferring to another institution)
I have registered for classes and submitted all of my documents. When will I be certified?
First you must notify your Certifying Official that you have registered so they can send your information into VA. The certification process begins approximately 30 days before the start of any given term. Once you are certified, you should receive an email confirmation.
Do VA benefits affect financial aid?
You can receive financial aid and VA education benefits at the same time. However, VA does mandate that HOPE is the first payer and the balance remaining is submitted to the VA. The Pell Grant is not affected by VA Education benefits.
I want to know how much my monthly payment will be. Can you tell me?
Do I have to verify my enrollment each month to receive payment from the VA?
The following chapters are required to verify enrollment monthly. This can be done via the Web Automated Verification of Enrollment (WAVE) on the website or calling 1-877-823-2378.
- Chapter 30 (Montgomery GI BILL)
- Chapter 33 (Post – 9/11)
- Chapter 1606 (Selective Reserve)
- Chapter 1607 (REAP)
Am I required to pay my tuition/fees/books out-of-pocket?
I haven’t received my payment yet? When can I expect it?
Payments begin the month after the beginning of each semester. If you have not received your monthly payment and it has been at least 30-45 days since your enrollment certification was submitted by WGTC, please call the VA directly at 1-888-442-4551.
I received a letter from the VA stating that West Georgia Technical College did not report tuition and fees. Why is that?
period has ended