Student Organizations
Student Organizations
Many student organizations are available at West Georgia Technical College, and other organizations are currently being researched in order to offer a broader range of activities in the near future. Joining one of the following organizations can enrich a student’s academic experience and facilitate meeting other students. For more information, students may contact the Manager of Student Engagement at 770-537-6023 or studentlife@westgatech.edu.
Four Major Organizations
Academic & Professional Organizations
(An organization whose stated objective is to provide an opportunity for individuals to discuss and share information related to a specific academic discipline, topic, or interest)
- Radiological Association for the Development of Students (RADS): The Radiological Association for the Development of Students is an organization for students in the Radiologic Technology program at West Georgia Technical College. This organization provides an opportunity for members to improve their leadership skills, attend educational seminars and explore the many career opportunities available in field of radiography. For more information on RADS, email RADS@westgatech.edu.
- Student Members of the American Dental Hygienists’ Association (SADHA): Membership in this student organization is available only for students enrolled in the Dental Hygiene program at West Georgia Technical College. Much like the Student Nursing Association, this program aids students in attending annual conferences for the Dental Hygienists Association, discounts, books and recreational activities. For more information on the Student Members of the American Dental Hygienists Association, email SADHA@westgatech.edu.
- Association of Nursing Students: The Association of Nursing Students at West Georgia Technical College is part of the Georgia Student Association of Nurses, a national organization with local chapters meant to inspire nursing students to create an atmosphere of support while innovating positive outcomes in student education and future careers in healthcare by connecting with other students and healthcare professionals. Open to any current student at West Georgia Technical College with nursing or pre-nursing as their major. The SNA provides networking opportunities, NCLEX review courses, aids with books, discounts, and educational conferences in and out of state. For more information about the Student Nursing Association, email SNA@westgatech.edu.
- Health Information Technology Student Association (HITSA): HITSA membership is available to any student enrolled in the Health Information Technology program. Members organize events and seminars to stay current in the HIMT field. For more information, email HITSA@westgatech.edu
- Psychology Club (Inactive Organization): Psychology Club engages, informs, and encourages students of all ages and backgrounds to explore processes of human behavior and mental systems through interactive participation.
Return to Contents - Dental Assisting Society (DAS): The Dental Assisting Society helps encourage passionate students to continue their education in oral health and guide them in a direction of success and leadership for any of their future endeavors. For more information about the Dental Assisting Society, email Kim.Nolan@westgatech.edu
Honorary Organizations
(An organization whose membership is based on academic achievement and is typically associated with a national honor society; however, this category of recognition does not necessarily indicate impact on the college’s graduation honor process)

- Kappa Beta Delta (KBD): KBD’s purpose is to encourage and recognize scholarship and accomplishment among students of business, management, and administration. To encourage and promote aspirations toward personal and professional improvement and a life distinguished by honorable service to humankind. Membership requires that students be candidates for associate degrees who rank in the upper 20% of those students pursuing business degrees in Accounting, Business Management, Business Technology, and Marketing.
- Phi Theta Kappa (PTK): Phi Theta Kappa is a highly recognized international
honor society for students who achieve superior academic success at a two-year college or institution. Chapter members serve as leaders for other students and for people in the community. Membership into the Beta Theta Phi Chapter offers intellectual enrichment and personal development as well as academic scholarships. For more information on Phi Theta Kappa, email PTK@westgatech.edu.
Interested in creating a new student organization at WGTC?
Don’t see anything that interests you? Would you like to create a new student organization at WGTC? Here is the New Student Organization or Club Process.
For further information, contact studentlife@westgatech.edu.