Student Counseling Connection
Student Counseling Connection
Student Counseling Connection is WGTC’s solution to provide confidential counseling and referral services to students with personal issues which could affect their academic performance, their personal lives or their general well-being. We also aim to provide students with access to community resources to meet their needs and wellness programming to aid in leading healthy lifestyles.

Connect to Counseling

Connect to Community Resources
What does Student Counseling Connection offer?
- Confidential Counseling
- 24-hour On Call Support
- Assessments (initial phone call)
- Short-term counseling services-up to three (3) sessions per student, per year
- Comprehensive referral network of licensed mental health counselors
- Referral to community resources or to student’s insurance/benefits provider for ongoing treatment, if appropriate
Connect to Campus

Visit the WGTC Health and Wellness page to stay up to date on Student Life Wellness Events.
- SAP BENEFIT AND FEES FOR SERVICE: The Student Counseling Connection is offered as a benefit to you by West Georgia Technical College. As a currently registered student of WGTC you may be allowed up to three sessions per year, either in-office or by telephone. The sessions are intended to provide: (1) problem assessment, (2) short-term counseling where appropriate and (3) referral to additional resources when necessary. These benefits are provided at no additional cost to you. You are, however, responsible for any costs incurred as a result of referrals if those services are not be covered by your private insurance provider.
- CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT: Confidentiality is the cornerstone of any mental health or counseling service. The problems you bring to the Student Counseling will remain confidential and private unless you give your written permission for the counselor to share those concerns with specific other persons. There are some exceptions that may be required by Georgia law. Those include: (1) threats of self-harm, (2) threats of harm toward others, (3) suspected abuse of children, elderly or disabled persons and (4) a valid court order. In the case of the first three, the counseling professional is ethically and legally responsible for determining whether or not information you reveal constitutes an actual threat. Your case may also be reviewed within the Tanner EAP office for the purpose of supervision, training or direction of professional staff. In addition, students who are also employees of certain agencies (i.e. public safety, DOT, aviation, nuclear power, etc.) may be required by federal law to be subject to fitness-for-duty evaluations as regards safety sensitive positions. As such, your Golden counselor may be required to disclose information to the respective employer regarding any unsafe behavior that violates those policies or regulations.
Need assistance?
Call 770-834-8327 for immediate 24-hour access!