To maintain integrity in the testing process of completely online classes, all online classes require that one test be taken as a proctored exam. A proctored exam is a test that requires the student to be overseen/supervised by an individual called a proctor. The proctor must be approved by the instructor well in advance of the exam. The proctor ensures the security and integrity of the exam process much like an instructor would in a face-to-face course.
This proctor verifies the identity of the enrolled student and matches them to enrollment in the online course as well as monitors the student during the examination. In addition, a proctored exam will help ensure that the exam is taken per requirement of the instructor to include restrictions on the use of other technology, resources or printed material not permitted for the exam.
Proctoring and Fee Information
- The cost and resources for the proctored examination on WGTC campuses are covered by WGTC.
- The online student may have to pay a fee if they choose to use a third-party proctor.
- As with other schedule services, available proctoring time slots may fill up for short-notice booking. It is in the best interest of the student to schedule their proctored exam early in the semester, well before the examination date.
- As an alternative, you may get approval for a proctored exam at an external site.
How Do I Find a Proctor?
The proctor must be approved in advance. If the student uses an approved proctor, the student must find the proctor and have this person approved in advance of the exam. The student must comply with any payment schedule that may be required by the approved proctor or testing center. The student must schedule the exam date and time with the proctor in advance of the testing schedule provided by the online instructor.
Who can serve as an approved proctor?
- An educator or librarian at any college, university and/or educational setting
- Librarian at a public library
- An officer of higher rank than the student, if military
- Staff member at a college or university testing center
A proctor must have Internet access for the student, printer, scanner or a fax machine if necessary.
NOTE: The student may be charged a fee by the proctor/proctor site.
What if I need more information?
- Check your syllabus and your Blackboard course page for more detailed information
- If you have additional questions, email your instructor.
- Remember that any fees for testing using an external proctor must be paid in advance and all arrangements necessary for testing (computer, internet, software and availability) is the responsibility of the student to arrange with the understanding that the proctor must follow the instructions provided by the instructor.
Proctored Exam Options
At WGTC, we have 3 proctoring exam choices:
- Complete the proctored activity from home via Respondus Monitor
- Make a face-to-face appointment using the library.
- Use a third-party proctor with prior approval from your course instructor.
Come to a WGTC Library. You must schedule exam at your preferred WGTC Campus Library locationopens a new window during the dates and times identified by your instructor.
NOTE: The sessions are recorded for documentation.