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Student looking at Blackboard

Student Blackboard Training

Student Blackboard Training

Is this your first time taking a course using Blackboard? Navigation can be simple with early practice and planning. Be sure you take the time to explore your course in Blackboard and become familiar with the features early so you can focus on learning the course material without the added stress of website confusion.

Testing on a learning management system like Blackboard can also be simple with some preparation and planning. Before you take your first test in your Blackboard online course, read through the Online Student FAQs that provides information such as: test taking tips and computer settings. Once you become familiar with using Blackboard, you will be well on your way to focusing on success in your course.

When you are ready to begin accessing your course head over to Blackboard to begin your journey.


What if I encounter technical issues and do not know how to resolve them?

If you experience any difficulty with Blackboard, Knighthawk Navigator-Banner Web, Office 365, or student email, we offer an online helpdesk to address technical issues you may experience and to provide guidance with usage of these systems.

To request assistance, contact the Helpdesk.


What if this is my first time using Blackboard?

If you have never used Blackboard, it is a good idea to view the online tutorials available to help navigate you.  There is a playlist of videos on YouTube for this purpose.  A wealth of information is available on many of the commonly used features of Blackboard.


Student Blackboard Tutorials

As students begin to learn about how to use Blackboard, it is a good idea to review the following topics to ensure you have an understanding of how to access and navigate your courses. By taking a few minutes to browse these tutorials, you will gain insight leading to an exciting and engaging online learning experience. New students should proceed through the links from the top down. Returning students or those who wish to refresh their skills can click on any topic to view the tutorials on the specific Blackboard function.


Click the YouTube logo below to access a playlist with several videos to help you!
