Online Learning
Online Learning
At West Georgia Technical College, we believe many of our courses and even some entire programs should be offered as an online option. Many courses lend themselves well to be taken online as they may require extensive usage of software applications, computer technology or Internet access. Other courses may also be lecture-based. These type courses can often be taken using an online platform that will provide better flexibility for individuals with busy schedules or with a preference of online learning.
At WGTC we offer several programs that may be taken as a totally online program in the area of Accounting, Business Management, Business Technology, Cybersecurity, Fire Science Technology, Marketing Management and Medical Coding. These programs are available to students regardless of geographic location as long as they have adequate computer access, traditional software and a reliable Internet connection. In addition, most of our business programs are nationally accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). WGTC participates with many other U.S. states in offering reciprocity online learning agreements for online courses and programs. Click below for benefits of our participation in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA).
WGTC cannot guarantee whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in states outside of Georgia. If you are seeking licensure in a state other than Georgia, please contact the state licensing board in your state to find licensing requirements.

West Georgia Technical College participates in the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements.
All students (in state or out of state) should follow our complaint process laid out on the Knight Complaints page.
If a resolution is not reached at the institution level, or if you believe that the nature of the complaint or its impact on the system as a whole warrants an immediate review by the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) administration, please submit a TCSG Program Integrity Complaint Form at https://tcsg.edu/about-tcsg/system-office-services/office-of-technical-education/program-integrity-complaint-form/opens a new window or call 404.679.1692.
Out of State Student Information
Students residing outside of the State of Georgia who are taking an online course may appeal to the Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission (GNPEC) at https://gnpec.georgia.gov/student-resources/student-complaints/gnpec-studentcomplaint-rulesopens a new window if the institution’s and TCSG’s resolution is not satisfactory; however, please note that the Commission will not investigate a complaint unless the student has exhausted all available grievance procedures outlined by the institution. GNPEC does not resolve complaints about student grades and student conduct violations. These complaints fall under the jurisdiction of institutional policy.
Online Tutoring
Regardless of whether a student takes a class or program traditionally, hybrid or completely online, Admissionsopens a new window and student academic support servicesopens a new window are available to assist students in need of admissions, academic advising, online tutoring and career counseling no matter where in the world they are located. Click below for information or to log in for online tutoring:
Online Options for Dual Enrollment Credit
If you are a high school student taking classes anywhere in Georgia, you may be eligible to take transferable general education classes with WGTC for dual credit. We offer a wide variety of course options that offer a flexibility with your busy high school schedule. Speak with your local high school counselor or administrators to determine your options and eligibility requirements for dual credit participation.