Library Resources
Library Resources
Library Brochure - view or download our printable library brochure.
WGTC Catalog Search - to find a book that WGTC owns while off campus.
LibGuides - Helpful writing guides.
Test Proctoring- Test Proctoring at the Library.
Gale in Context
World History takes learners from the ancient world to today's headlines, delivering a chronicle of the great cultures and societies that have formed the history of the human race.
Password: carr_log
U.S. History is an engaging online experience for those seeking contextual information on hundreds of the most significant people, events and topics in U.S. History.
Password: carr_log
Opposing Viewpoints is the premier online resource covering today's hottest social issues, from capital punishment to immigration to marijuana.
Password: carr_log
Global Issues empowers learners to critically analyze and understand the most important issues of the modern world.
Password: carr_log
PrepStep - NEW!
PrepStep Library's resources will help you succeed. Each of our learning centers offers the practice tests, exercises, skill-building courses and information you need to achieve the results you want—at school, at work or in life.
Credo Reference is an information skills solutions database that serves libraries worldwide. We build platforms and instructional materials that enable the flexible configuration of content, technology and services for the purpose of connecting learners, faculty and teachers, librarians and publishers. Credo promotes knowledge building, problem solving and critical thinking to give people the information skills necessary for success throughout their academic, professional and personal lives.
ProQuest Accounting, Tax & Banking Collection helps researchers locate precise results from sources ranging from current news to professional and academic journal articles covering the trends and history influencing important accounting, tax, banking, and financial issues of the day.
ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source
provides users with reliable health care information covering nursing, allied health, alternative and complementary medicine, and much more.
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition provides nearly 520 scholarly full-text journals focusing on nursing, allied health fields, and many medical disciplines as well as abstracts and indexing for over 550 journals. Also included are the USP Pharmacopoeia DI: Volume II Advice for the Lay Patient and Stedman's Medical Dictionary.
ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health Source includes abstracting and indexing for more than 690 titles, with more than 570 titles in full text. This database provides users with health care information covering nursing, allied health, alternative and complementary medicine, and much more.
CINAHL Plus with Full Text provides abstracts and indexing as well as full text for hundreds of journals, plus legal cases, clinical innovations, critical paths, drug records, research instruments and clinical trials with indexing back to 1937. Offering complete coverage of English-language nursing journals and publications from the National League for Nursing and the American Nurses' Association, the database covers nursing, biomedicine, health sciences librarianship, alternative/complementary medicine, consumer health and 17 allied health disciplines. In addition, this database offers access to health care books, nursing dissertations, selected conference proceedings, standards of practice, educational software, audiovisuals and book chapters, as well as evidence-based care sheets.
Alt HealthWatch focuses on multiple perspectives of complementary, holistic and integrated approaches to health care and wellness. Full-text content comes from more than 160 international peer-reviewed and professional journals, magazines, reports, proceedings and association and consumer newsletters, plus hundreds of pamphlets, booklets, special reports, original research and book excerpts.
Consumer Health Complete (CHC) is a comprehensive resource for consumer-oriented health content, including full text from many health reference books and encyclopedias and thousands of health reports as well as physician-generated videos and hundreds of medical images and diagrams.
Academic Search Complete is a comprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 5,300 full-text periodicals, including 4,400 peer-reviewed journals. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 9,300 journals and a total of 10,900 publications including monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc.
Research Library provides abstracts and indexing for over 2,600, as well as full text for more than 1,700 scholarly journals and general magazines
Criminal Justice Resources
Georgia Department of Corrections website contains inmate information; GDC video library; Divisions of Georgia Department of Corrections; reports including graphs showing inmates and probationers in facilities from 1989 to present; prison admissions during the past 12 months; plus many others.
Early Childhood Resources
Free Teaching Resources
The Georgia Early Learning and Development Standards (GELDS) are research-based early learning standards for children birth to age 5. Excellent resources for early childhood professionals and parents.
ALA American Library Association
Links to children literature and websites for children.
Resources for performers, teachers, kids, and parents.
Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning
From the Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning;
Young Children is an award-winning, peer-reviewed professional journal published bimonthly by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. Young Children issues are organized around topical clusters that devote special attention to issues in the field of early childhood education. View the entire issue online or read selected articles.
The Southern Early Childhood Association (SECA) is committed to improving the quality of care and education for young children and their families through advocacy and professional development.
ZERO TO THREE is a national, nonprofit organization that informs, trains and supports professionals, policymakers and parents in their efforts to improve the lives of infants and toddlers.
Our mission is to promote the health and development of infants and toddlers.
Literature Resources
Literary Reference Center is a full-text database that combines information from major respected reference works, books and literary journals, as well as original content. Literary Reference Center includes more than 10,000 plot summaries, synopses and work overviews; articles of literary criticism; author biographies; full text of more than 300 literary journals; book reviews; 25,000 classic and contemporary poems; 11,000 classic and contemporary short stories; full text of more than 7,500 classic novels; author interviews; and more than 1,000 images of key literary figures.
Literature Resource Center provides biographies on more than 120,000 authors, as well as literary criticism, historical context and social implications of literature. It includes nearly 300,000 full-text articles, including reprints from numerous resources.
Academic Search Complete is a comprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 5,300 full-text periodicals, including 4,400 peer-reviewed journals. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 9,300 journals and a total of 10,900 publications including monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc.
Research Library provides abstracts and indexing for more than 2,600 scholarly journals, as well as full text for more than 1,700 scholarly journals and general magazines.
WGTC Catalog Search- to find a book that WGTC owns while off campus.
Welding Resources
Some information can be viewed on web page; interested individuals may register as guest at no cost.
Writing Resources
The following links offer access to a variety of websites that contain publicly accessible online tips, guides and handouts for writing. Some of the websites have very specific links (e.g., how to write a paragraph) while some are very general (e.g., thinking about how to start the writing process). We've included resources for writing, grammar, dictionaries, and how to avoid plagiarism. The Library Services section of the West Georgia Technical College website also includes an additional section of links on citing sources using APA or MLA style.
We have tried to include a variety of websites with the rationale that one size does not fit all. We hope that one of the sites listed will provide useful links/information to assist you in your writing assignments while at West Georgia Technical College.
Note: These materials should be used as an addition and supplement to the resources that are recommended by your instructor.
Writing Resources
Purdue University Online Writing Center
One of the most comprehensive online writing centers (OWL) available. Includes a section of resources for "Non-Purdue College Level Instructors and Students". Links to information about the writing process: creating a thesis statement, introductory paragraphs, body and conclusion for argument papers, exploratory papers, punctuation, grammar and mechanics, writing paragraphs, developing an outline, evaluating sources of information, tips for writing resumes and cover letters, email etiquette for students and many other topics.
The OWL at Purdue offers online and printable exercises in grammar, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure and style, paraphrasing, and number writing.
The Writing Center at the University of Wisconsin Madison includes handouts on stages of the writing process, common types of writing assignments, grammar and punctuation, improving your writing style and citing references in your paper. The Writer's Handbook includes a section on planning and writing a research paper.
The University of Richmond Writing Center
Sections on getting started, sentence structure, punctuation, peer editing, etc.
Writing at the University of Toronto
Sections on how to organize your essay and general advice on academic writing.
Colorado State University Writing Center
Many different resources. Writing activities and the Writing Center require a login and password (created by you).
Grammar Resources
Robin L. Simmons's Grammar Bytes! Grammar Instruction with Attitude - This site is excellent for grammar purposes. It contains information under the categories of terms, exercises, handouts, and tips and rules. The tips and rules section is a quick way to find specific grammar rules and explanations.
Jack Lynch's Guide to Grammar and Style - It is kept updated and is extremely in-depth. The author provides an alphabetical list of topics. It may be difficult to find what you are looking for, but it is probably there somewhere. This guide also lists textual references and other websites for further perusal.
Paul Brian's Common Errors in English - This website contains information regarding word usage errors: homonyms, homophones, heteronyms, etc. There is no grammar discussed beyond that; however, the author does provide a few websites for further information.
The Blue Book of Punctuation and Grammar - Jane Straus' easy-to-use reference guide and workbook is now available as an online resource. Sells a book, but does have some free resources.
Dictionaries & Thesauri
OneLook Dictionary
An online dictionary that provides easy access to multiple references.
Merriam-Webster Dictionary and Thesaurus
Roget's Thesaurus
A searchable online version of the classic Roget's Thesaurus.
Bartlett's Familiar Quotations (1919 edition)
A collection of passages, phrases and proverbs along with their sources traced back to ancient and modern literature.
American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language
More than 90,000 entries feature 10,000 new words and senses, 70,000 audio word pronunciations, 900 full-page color illustrations, language notes and word-root appendices.
Credo Reference provides access to a large number of dictionaries and encyclopedias available to West Central Technical College students. Resources include “Roget's II Thesaurus” and “American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language.”
Galileo's Online Learning Center Unit 8: "Giving Credit Where Credit is Due" has a section on copyright, citing sources and the perils of plagiarism.
Purdue University OWL "Avoiding Plagiarism"
Also check the WGTC Student Handbook for WGTC's definition of plagiarism.
George Mason University Writing Center has online PowerPoint presentations on:
Evaluating, Documenting, and Citing Resources
Quoting, Summarizing, and Paraphrasing Resources
Academic Integrity & Avoiding Plagiarism Tutorial
Simon Fraser University Plagiarism Tutorial has sections on using quotations, paraphrasing, summarizing, and citing references.