Placement Tests and Policies
Placement Tests and Policies
Placement testing may be a required step in the admissions process applicants. The purpose of placement testing is to determine knowledge levels in Reading, Writing and Math. Our goal is to place you in appropriate courses that will increase your chance of success and program completion.
Benchmark scores for placement will differ by program; as a general rule, associate degree programs require higher test scores than diploma and certificate programs.
Some applicants may be exempt from some or all of the tests based on previously earned college credit. Applicants may also submit final high school transcript with grade point average, ACT, SAT, Accuplacer, or Compass scores. Please do not assume that submission of test scores satisfies WGTC’s admission requirements.
Helpful Information
- You must bring your photo ID to test. If you are testing for Dual Enrollment or for an outside entity, you will need to know your Social Security Number.
- Please contact Accessibility Services to inquire about testing accommodations, if necessary.
- The Accuplacer test is not timed but typically takes 2-3 hours to complete all sections.
- Children are not allowed in testing rooms, please do not bring children with you when you come to test.
- WGTC does not allow outside calculators; the software will provide one if needed to solve a problem.
- You will be asked to turn your phone off for the entire duration of your test.
- You will receive your scores immediately upon completion of the test.
A way to study!
Download the free Accuplacer Study App for your phone or tablet.