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Statement of Equal Opportunity

Statement of Equal Opportunity

As set forth in its student catalog, West Georgia Technical College complies with the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG). The TCSG State Board prohibits discrimination on the basis of an individual’s age, color, disability, genetic information, national origin, race, religion, sex, or veteran status (“protected status”). No individual shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise subjected to unlawful discrimination, harassment, or retaliation under, any TCSG program or activity because of the individual’s protected status; nor shall any individual be given preferential treatment because of the individual’s protected status, except the preferential treatment may be given on the basis of veteran status when appropriate under federal or state law.

The following individuals have been designated to manage inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies:

Equity (Title IX) Coordinator

Melinda Hofius Dean of Students, 770.537.5722
176 Murphy Campus Blvd., Waco, GA 30182


Teresa Jiles
Human Resources Manager, 770.537.6056
176 Murphy Campus Blvd., Waco, GA 30182

ADA (Section 504) Coordinators

Zelma Jones
Career and Student Support Services Manager, 770.824.5245
176 Murphy Campus Blvd., Waco, GA 30182

Special Populations

Donna Boyd-Gomez
Special Populations Coordinator, 770.838.2526
500 Technology Pkwy., Carrollton, GA 30117