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The deadline for reinstatement for non-payment is Monday, September 2 at 6pm. Click here to complete the form.

students walking

Mask Party

mask flyerMask-Uerade Party

Join us for a MASK-UERADE Party Monday, August 17, 2020

WHEN: 10am- noon,  and 4pm-6pm
WHERE: Carroll Campus – Outside Student Center
Coweta Campus –Outside Building A by Bookstore
Douglas Campus – Outside between buildings A & B
Murphy Campus-  Breezeway between building A & b
LaGrange Campus – Rotunda Lobby
*click on the picture to download the full flyer!

WHAT: Stop by briefly and grab a goodie bag off the table. Each bag will contain a reusable WGTC mask.
CODE:  You’ll find out when you stop by!

Don’t forget if you register yourself for two events you attend during WOW we’ll send you a FREE t-shirt, fill out the participation form here.