Institutional Effectiveness
Institutional Effectiveness
The Office of Institutional Effectiveness initiates and coordinates the evaluation of college effectiveness toward fulfilling the mission of West Georgia Technical College through a collaborative, continuous and comprehensive system of assessment, research and planning activities. Planning and evaluation processes at West Georgia Technical College reflect the college’s commitment to the systematic assessment of outcomes and the use of results for continuous improvement of programs and services.
Purpose of Institutional Planning and Effectiveness
- To support a comprehensive institutional effectiveness process that utilizes the college’s mission, vision and core values as the foundation for planning, evaluation and research
- To provide a foundation for coordinating reports and research that support planning and evaluation efforts
- To ensure that continuous institutional evaluation and improvement are based on the evaluation and improvement model and use accurate information in decision making and strategic planning
- To ensure that the effectiveness of the college’s research process is evaluated regularly and that the results are used for improving processes and services.
Institutional Effectiveness Policy
The policy of West Georgia Technical College is to maintain a comprehensive institutional improvement process that ensures the following:
- A consistent and continuous process driven by the college’s mission, vision, core values and strategic goals
- A collaborative process involving faculty, staff, administration and students
- A process utilizing research as an integral part of the institutional and planning processes
- A process ensuring that the evaluation model is reviewed regularly and results are used for improving programs and services
- A process resulting in continuous improvement in the quality of the college’s graduate and satisfaction of students, employees and external stakeholders.