Establishing a Scholarship
Establishing a Scholarship
The Foundation raises funds in order to offer need-based student scholarships. Scholarship money can be used to defray the cost of tuition, books, fees, and supplies. Scholarship recipients are selected after committee review, and awards are distributed each semester. The need for student scholarships invariably outpaces the funds available.
Regardless of location, age or other factors, finances are typically the primary barrier between our students and the education they need. Sometimes the lack of a $50 book can keep a student from registering for a needed class.
Available Scholarships and Grants
An annual scholarship is an amount of money donated each year to support students with financial need. The funds are applied directly to student accounts. Donors may specify that funds be used to support students who are studying in a certain major, who live in a specific geographical area, or according to other factors of your choice.
A scholarship endowment is an investment that holds its principal in perpetuity and pays out a small portion annually for student scholarships. A scholarship endowment is a lasting legacy that will support students for generations.
An endowment can be named for your business or your family. It can honor a loved one or create a family legacy. It will support the college, its students and the community for years to come.
Contact Us
To learn more about how you can invest in WGTC Foundation, please contact Brittney Wells, Executive Director of Institutional Advancement for WGTC, at (678) 664-0515 or by email at Brittney.Wells@westgatech.edu.