Foundation Board

Mark Foster, Chair
Troup County

Ned Fowler, Vice Chair
Douglas County

Aaron Mabon, Treasurer
Troup County

Emory Barber
Carroll County

Linda McWhorter
Carroll County

Martha Murphy Long
Haralson County

Allen Parham
Meriwether County

Sara Ray
Douglas County

Tripp Sewell
Haralson County

Marie Swope
Coweta County
Foundation Board
WGTC Foundation trustees are members of the community who serve as ambassadors for the college throughout its seven-county service area. Trustees provide active involvement, advocacy and support among WGTC students, parents, faculty, staff, donors, alumni, elected officials, community leaders and business professionals. Copies of 990 and financial audit available upon request. Please e-mail Brittney Wells at Brittney.Wells@westgatech.edu to request a copy.
To learn more about how you can invest in WGTC Foundation, please contact Brittney Wells, Executive Director of Institutional Advancement for WGTC, at (678) 664-0515 or by email at Brittney.Wells@westgatech.edu.