Weather Alerts
Weather Alerts
Should inclement weather require the school to be closed, such decisions will be made by the college president and will affect all campuses. Any such notices will be announced on local radio and television stations and the college web site.
Students, faculty and staff should tune in to local radio and Atlanta area television stations for the most prompt, accurate closings/class cancellations (these include but are not limited to Channels 2, 5 and 11, WCKS 102.7, WBTR B92.1, WGMI 1330, The Bull 94.9, The Bear 92.5, Eagle 102.2, Magic 98.1, South 106, WCIM 100.9, TV 33 (LaGrange) and TV 3 (Columbus).
Emergency Preparedness
The president or designee may make a decision to close the school if severe weather conditions exist. Emergency closing announcements will be made as early in the day as is feasible. Local radio and television stations will be called. One of the following announcements will be made:
- School closed – school is closed to all personnel.
- School closed/faculty and staff report – school is closed to students, adjunct faculty need not report.
- School will be open at a certain time – any classes meeting at the designated opening hour or later will meet as scheduled.
Severe Weather
Each classroom has a posted evacuation plan showing exit routes from the classroom in the event of fire or tornado.
Tornado Watch/Warning
If the National Weather Service spots a tornado in our area, the plant operations team will notify all faculty and staff by email or some other means of communication. Each classroom contains posted instructions on where to go in case of threatening weather conditions. Instructors are responsible for becoming familiar with these posted instructions and provide guidance for students in the event of a weather warning. The warning will remain in effect until notified by the plant operations team that it is safe to resume a normal schedule.
Every West Georgia Technical College campus has fire alarms in each building. Evacuation plans in case of fire (or other emergency) are posted in each classroom. Instructors should become familiar with the evacuation plan posted in each room and provide exit instructions to students in the event of a fire. Upon sounding of the alarm, all students, faculty and staff are to evacuate the buildings immediately.
Periodically, West Georgia will conduct severe weather warning and fire drills. Both instructors and students are expected to participate in these drills in preparation for any actual threatening situations that may occur.
National Weather Service – Peachtree City, GA
National Weather Service’s Storm Prediction Center
Geostationary Satellite Server (Atlantic Hurricane Region)