Pay a Balance
Pay a Balance
Pay Online
Payments can be made online via Knighthawk Navigator-Banner Web by check or credit/debit card.
Knighthawk Navigator-BannerWeb steps:
- From the Okta dashboard (MyWGTC Portal), click on the Knighthawk Navigator tile.
- Locate the Banner Account Information tile.
- Click on Account Detail by Term. (this screen has your current balance)
- Select Term.
- From the Account Detail by Term screen, click Pay Now.
- Select term from the dropdown, then click Select Term.
- Enter the amount in the Payment Amount box.
- Then choose Pay By Credit, Pay By Check or Pay By Payment Plan with Nelnet.
Pay by Phone
We accept phone payments Monday – Thursday from 8am-6pm and Fridays from 8am-12pm by calling.
Murphy Cashier: 770-537-5701
Carroll Cashier: 770-836-4743
Coweta Cashier: 770-755-7837
Douglas Cashier: 770-947-7209
LaGrange Cashier: 706-756-4659
Pay by Mail
Payments can be mailed to (check only):
West Georgia Technical College
ATTN: Cashier
176 Murphy Campus Blvd
Waco, GA 30182
Please include a street address, 2 phone numbers, and your student ID on the check.
If you have questions about your balance, please email wgtcbusinessoffice@westgatech.edu or call one of our Campus Cashiers.