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Wgtc 2020 475

Payment Plan

Payment Plan

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What is the Nelnet Business Solutions Program? Nelnet Business Solutions provides a payment program used by institutions across the country. We have been in the tuition management business for 15 years. For more information about NBS you may review our web site at Nelnet Business Solutions, Inc.

When will monthly payments begin? Monthly payments will be processed starting on the first payment date you select when you enroll for monthly payments via NBS e-Cashier.

What happens if the payment date is on a weekend or holiday? If the payment date falls on a weekend or banking holiday observed by the Federal Reserve, the payment will be attempted on the next business day.

What happens if a payment is returned? If a payment is returned, you will receive an e-mail or letter from NBS with instructions on how the returned payment will be handled. A $30 NBS Returned Payment Fee will be assessed for each returned payment. Your financial institution may also assess a fee.


Make College Easier to Pay For with a Tuition Payment Plan.

Make college more affordable by paying for tuition and fees over time. Tuition payment plans break down your tuition balance into affordable monthly payments. There's no interest, payment options are flexible, setup fees are affordable, and it's easy to enroll!

Payment Plan Benefits:

  • Easy online enrollment
  • Flexible payment options
  • No interest

Ready To Get Started?

Payment Methods

  • Automatic bank payment (ACH)
  • Credit card/debit card (if a credit/debit card is used, an additional service fee of 2.85% will be assessed.)

Special Note: These payment amounts could change if any
changes are made to your balance in Banner.

Regularly scheduled payments will process automatically on the 5th of each month and will continue until balance is paid in full.

Cost to Participate

  • $40 or $45 nonrefundable enrollment fee per agreement
  • $30 nonrefundable returned payment fee if a payment is returned

Simple Steps to Enroll

  • From the Okta dashboard (MyWGTC Portal), click on the Knighthawk Navigator tile. 
  • Locate the Banner Account Information tile. 
  • Click on Account Detail by Term. (this screen has your current balance) 
  • Select Term. 
  • From the Account Detail by Term screen, click Pay Now. 
  • Select term from the dropdown, then click Select Term. 
  • Enter the amount in the Payment Amount box. 
  • Then click on Pay By Payment Plan with Nelnet.


*Video Tutorial – How to Set Up Your NBS Payment Plan

*Note: This video tutorial is for demonstration purposes only. Your educational institution may offer options other than those shown in the video.

Summer 2025 Target Dates To Enroll By:

Last day to enroll online Required down payment Number of payments Months of payments Payment Dates
March 10 - April 24 25% 3 May-July 5th
March 10 - May 24 25% 2 June & July 5th
March 10 - June 10 50% 1 July Only 5th

NOTE: All down payments and enrollment fees are processed immediately and cannot be cancelled!

Payment Plan Availability

Availability of the payment plan is determined by West Georgia Technical College. Please be aware the College may elect not to have the payment plan available during specific times and dates during registration.

Balance Adjustments

Please do not assume your balance will automatically adjust if financial aid is received or a class is dropped or added. You should review your agreement balance online.

Students:  If someone is paying on your behalf, you MUST first set them up as an Authorized Payer.

Authorized Payers:  If you are paying on behalf of the student, the student must access or set up their account first and then add you as an Authorized Payer.

Maximum Amount to Budget

The maximum amount you may budget is $4,500, any amount over this will be added to your down payment.


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For additional help, please call us at (800) 609-8056. Customer service representatives are available Monday-Friday 7 AM to 9 PM CST and Saturday 8 AM to 2 PM CST. Account information is also available online.
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