Dual Enrollment Application Process
Dual Enrollment Application Process
The State of Georgia provides Dual Enrollment Funding through the Georgia Student Finance Commission for up to 30 hours of coursework. To access these funds, students MUST:
- Complete the Dual Enrollment Funding Application each year at GAfutures.org.
- Have parent submit the Parent Acknowledgement and Participation Agreement as part of the DE Funding Application.
- If male and 18 years old, register with Selective Service at sss.gov.
- Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress by completing two-thirds of WGTC coursework by earning a 2.0 (C) grade point average.

Funding and Program Limitations
- Tuition Only. Dual Enrollment Funding will pay tuition costs only. WGTC waives many mandatory fees for our dual students. However, some programs require program-specific fees, such as lab fees, supply fees, testing fees, etc. These are NOT covered by DE funding and are the student’s responsibility to pay.
- Repeated Course. Dual Enrollment Funding will not pay for a course that has already been attempted.
- Two Withdrawals. Students will lose eligibility for the Dual Enrollment program after obtaining 2 course withdrawals.
- 30 hours. Dual Enrollment Funding is only available up to 30 hours. Students who wish to take more than 30 hours, may use HOPE Grant, if eligible, or may self-pay for courses. If HOPE Grant is used, it does count towards the HOPE Grant/Scholarship cap hours limits.