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WGTC Campus Exteriors

Foundation Scholarships

WGTC Foundation Scholarships

Scholarship Breakfast 2025

Scholarship Schedule FY 2025
Semester Fall (2024) Spring (2025) Summer (2025)
Scholarship Application Opens 6/17/2024 10/14/2024 3/3/2025
Scholarship Application Deadline 7/12/2024 11/8/2024 3/28/2025
Scholarship Applications Reviewed 7/15/2024 - 7/19/2024 11/11/2024 - 11/15/2024 3/31/2025 -
Scholarship Award Date 7/25/2024 11/20/2024 4/9/2025
Scholarship Thank You Letters Due 8/2/2024 12/4/2024 4/18/2025


West Georgia Technical College Foundation scholarships uses the software AwardSpring to facilitate and streamline your scholarship application process. Students must be enrolled at WGTC and have a minimum GPA of 2.0 to be eligible for scholarships. (Be sure your internet browser is Internet Explorer version 10 or beyond, or use any version of Chrome or Firefox.)

You will be emailed when the scholarship cycle opens.

Step 1: Create an Account

Visit AwardSpring and create an account using your student email address. You will be emailed a link to confirm your registration. Please record your password for future use, as you will use this same account and password to apply each semester.

By providing your phone number upon registration you are opting into receiving text messages from West Georgia Technical College about your scholarship application. To opt-out, you can reply STOP or UNSUBSCRIBE.

Based on your GPA, program of study, and other factors specific to your account, you will automatically be matched with scholarships for which you qualify.

Step 2: Apply for Scholarships


Some scholarships require proof of residency or other specific documents you will need to upload. Be sure to provide all information that is requested.

You do not have to complete the application all at once. You may log back in with your student email address and password at any time.

Step 3: Register for Classes

Scholarship applications will not be considered until you have enrolled for the semester you are applying for.

Step 4: Notification

You will be notified by student email confirming or denying your scholarship award(s) by close of business day on the Award Day, please refer to chart for date.

Step 5: Thank You Letters

All students who have been awarded scholarship funds must write and upload a thank you letter by the date specified in the chart. Failure to submit your thank you letter on time will result in loss of the scholarship.

Frequently Asked Questions for WGTC Foundation Scholarships

How do I apply for a WGTC Foundation Scholarship?

  • Students must apply each term by the published deadline
  • Review the available scholarships and criteria to determine if you qualify for a particular scholarship
  • Submit the completed application online within the published deadlines
  • Please note the scholarship application deadline to be considered for a scholarship. No applications will be accepted after the scholarship deadline.

If I am awarded a scholarship, what happens next?

  • The Foundation Office will send an email to all students confirming or denying your scholarship award(s).
  • If you receive a scholarship, you will be required to write a “thank you” letter to the donor and upload it to the scholarship application software (AwardSpring). The donor will be named in your award email.
  • West Georgia Technical College’s Institutional Advancement Office staff will handle promotional coverage of all scholarships. They may request additional information from you and/or a photo for promotional publications.
  • Scholarship awards will be loaded into your Banner account to be used for tuition, books, and fees.

West Georgia Technical College Foundation Scholarships

Scholarship Criteria Estimated Award Amount Per Student Estimated Awards Per Semester
Abraham Baldwin Chapter NSDAR Scholarship Open to full time female students enrolled in an Allied Healthcare program of study. Must have a minimum 3.0 GPA and be a resident of Carroll, Douglas, Heard, haralson, Coweta, Meriwether, or Troup County. SUMMER SEMESTER ONLY $500 1
Bowdon Hospital Authority Scholarship Health Sciences or Nursing Programs; Carroll, Coweta, Douglas, Haralson counties and Cleburne or Randolph counties in Alabama residents. Preference to 30108 ZIP Code. $500 2
Carrollton Golden K Scholarship Must be a new student and a Carroll County resident $1,000 2
Caterpillar DEM Grant Fund Scholarship Diesel Equipment Tech & Heavy Diesel Service Tech Programs $500 6
Coweta-Fayette EMC Scholarship Open to students attending CEC, Coweta Campus, or Franklin Site $500 1
Georgia Automotive Dealers Association Scholarship Open to students in any automotive related fields of study with a minimum GAP of 2.0. Varies Varies
GreyStone Power Capstone Scholarship Douglas County resident $500 2
Holland M. Ware Healthcare, Nursing, and Public Services Scholarship Must be pursuing a degree in Nursing, Business Management, Healthcare Management; Home Campus must be Coweta, LaGrange, Franklin, or Greenville. $1,000 Varies
Holland M. Ware Trade and Industrial Scholarship Must be pursing a degree in Manufacturing & Production, Installation & Repair Programs; Home Campus must be Coweta, LaGrange, Franklin, or Greenville. $1,000 Varies
Holland M. Ware Veterans Scholarship This scholarship is open to veterans enrolled in any program of study for certificate, diploma, or degree. Home campus must be Coweta, LaGrange, Greenville, or Franklin. Varies Varies
J. Randy Jackson Legacy Scholarship Must have completed coursework at the thINC Academy and be attending the LaGrange Campus. Must be an incoming student. $500 1
Kiwanis Club of LaGrange Frear Family Scholarship The recipient must be a  veteran, first responder, or military member, or the spouse or child of a veteran, first responder, or military member, and they must be a resident of Troup, Coweta, Heard, Meriwether, or Harris County. $500 2
Manufacturers Education Foundation Scholarship Student must be enrolled in one of the following areas of study: Electrical Construction and Maintenance, Electronics and Telecommunications, Engineering Technology, Industrial Systems Technology, Machine Tool Technology, Precision Manufacturing and Maintenance, Welding and Joining Technology. $500 3
Microsoft Scholars Program Student must be enrolled in one of the following areas of study: Computer Support Specialist, Networking Specialist, PC Repair and Network Technician, or Helpdesk Specialist. Student must have a home campus of Douglas. Student must have a minimum GPA of 2.0. Student will continue to receive the award each semester until program completion as long as aforementioned criteria is maintained. Varies:Scholarship covers student's remaining balance after financial aid is applied. 5
Mullins Mechanical Pillar Scholarship The student must be furthering their college education by enrolling at West Georgia Technical College and pursuing a certificate, diploma, or degree in Industrial Systems Technology, Welding and Joining Technology, Engineering Technology, Accounting, Business Management, or Business Technology. The student must have a minimum GPA of 2.5. $500 4
Parkway Hospital Auxiliary Scholarship Health Sciences or Nursing Programs; Douglas Co. Resident $500 3
Robert D. Tisinger Scholarship Fund Must live in a home served by Carroll EMC or parent/guardian must live in a home served by Carroll EMC $500 15
Rotary Club of Carrollton Scholarship The Rotary Club of Carrollton Scholarship are for students who reside in Carroll County. Student must have minimum GPA  of 2.5. $500 1
Rotary Club of Carrollton-Dawnbreakers Scholarship The Rotary Club of Carrollton-Dawnbreakers Scholarship are for students who reside in Carroll County. Preference to students who were awarded the Rotary Club of Carrollton-Dawnbreakers GED Scholarship. $500 2
Southwire Industrial Systems Technology Scholarship Industrial Systems Technology Program; Carroll Campus only $500 10
Southwire Machine Tool Technology Scholarship Machine Tool Technology Program; Carroll Campus only $500 10
Southwire Precision Manufacturing & Maintenance Scholarship Precision Manufacturing & Maintenance Program; Carroll Campus only $500 10
Star Foundation Scholarship Haralson County and Cleburne or Randolph counties in Alabama residents. $500 1
The Gene Haas Foundation Scholarship CNC Technology students and/or NIMS credentials $2,500 Varies
The Swope Family Fund Pillar Scholarship Scholarship open to any program of study to students that reside in Coweta County. $500 4
Tim B. Clower Scholarship The Tim B. Clower Scholarship Fund is for students who reside in a home served by GreyStone Power or whose parent or guardian resides in a home served by GreyStone Power. Minimum GPA, 2.5. FALL SEMESTER ONLY $2,500 1
Tritt Family Foundation, Inc. Scholarship Student must have a GPA of at least 3.5 and must be working at least 20 hours per week. The student will automatically receive the scholarship the following semester as long as they continue to maintain a 3.5 GPA. $500 2
WellStar Douglas Hospital Scholarship Students must be enrolled in Health Sciences or Nursing Programs. The Douglas Campus must be students home campus. Student must have a GPA of 2.5 or greater. $1,000 3
WGTC Foundation Scholarship Open to all students $500 5


Student must be making satisfactory academic progress in order to qualify.

Student must be enrolled in a certificate, diploma or degree program in order to qualify. Student must demonstrate financial need.


Additional Third Party Scholarship Opportunities

* WGTC Foundation does not bear responsibility for the following opportunities available through third party scholarship providers.

To learn more about how you can invest in WGTC Foundation, please contact Brittney Wells, Executive Director of Institutional Advancement for WGTC, at (678) 664-0515 or by email at